VSOA Defines
以下为 vsoa defines 头文件代码,也可以直接下载 vsoa_defines.h 源码。
* Copyright (c) 2022 ACOAUTO Team.
* All rights reserved.
* Detailed license information can be found in the LICENSE file.
* File: vsoa_defines.h Vehicle SOA recommended Definition.
* Author: Han.hui <hanhui@acoinfo.com>
* Standard URL path prefix:
* "/api/*" Server RPC commands
* "/par/*" Server each component parameters geting, setting and publish
* "/sta/*" Server status get and publish
* "/dbg/*" Server debug message
* "/res/*" Server resources
#define VSOA_PATH_API "/api"
#define VSOA_PATH_PARAM "/par"
#define VSOA_PATH_STATE "/sta"
#define VSOA_PATH_DEBUG "/dbg"
#define VSOA_PATH_RESRC "/res"
#endif /* VSOA_DEFINES_H */
* end