


VSOA is the abbreviation of Vehicle SOA, VSOA provides a reliable, Real-Time SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) framework, this framework has multi-language and multi-environment implementation, developers can use this framework to build a distributed service model.

VSOA includes the following features:

  1. Support resource tagging of unified URL
  2. Support URL matching subscribe and publish model
  3. Support Real-Time Remote Procedure Call
  4. Support parallel multiple command sequences
  5. Support reliable and unreliable data publishing.
  6. Support multi-channel full-duplex high speed parallel data stream
  7. Support network QoS control
  8. Easily implement server fault-tolerant design
  9. Supports multiple language bindings
  10. Support middleware model

The user includes all qtvsoa features with the following code.

# app.pro
# In the project file of the qmake project, import the VSOA module using the following statement.
QT += vsoa
// app.cpp
// You can use this header to include all QVSOA features
#include <QVsoa>


All available QVSOA class are shown below.

Class nameDescribe
QVsoaSocketAddressQVSOA socket address
QVsoaServerProvides the QVSOA server API
QVsoaRPCServerListenerRPC listener used by the QVSOA server
QVsoaCliHandleClient connection handle used by the QVSOA server
QVsoaClientProvides the QVSOA client API
QVsoaClientRPCInvokerAsynchronous RPC invokeron for the QVSOA client
QVsoaClientSynchronizerSynchronous RPC invokeron for the QVSOA client
QVsoaPayloadThe payload used by QVSOA
QVsoaHeaderThe data header used by QVSOA
QVsoaStreamStream for transferring large files
QVsoaPositionQVSOA Position service
QVsoaMiddlewareQVSOA Server middleware
IQVsoaMiddlewareListenerMiddleware uses a listener base class
QVsoaMiddlewareResolveThe Middleware resolve data
QVsoaRegulatorRegulator class

QVSOA also provides good support for multi-thread, which can be implemented using any form of Qt code.

QVsoaSocketAddress Class

Represents a host address in QVSOA. There is no extra cost for copying this class, and the user does not need to care about the copy cost.


Method nameDescribe
domainDomain to which the socket belongs
socketAddressGet the sockaddr object
addrSizeGet the size of the sockAddr object
ipObtaining an IP Address
portObtaining the Port Number
securityGet security options
isInvalidCheck the validity of the address

QVsoaSocketAddress(const sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrSize, bool sec = false)

QVsoaSocketAddress(int domain, const char *ip, uint16_t port, bool sec = false)


  • addr Native sockaddr objects, optionally sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6.
  • addrSize The size of the addr object
  • domain Socket domain, AF_INET and AF_INET6 are optional.
  • ip IP.
  • port Port.
  • sec Security options.

int QVsoaSocketAddress::domain() const

Domain to which the socket belongs.

  • Returns Domain to which the socket belongs. The value can be AF_INET or AF_INET6.

const sockaddr *QVsoaSocketAddress::socketAddress() const

Get the sockaddr object.

  • Returns Sockaddr object.

socklen_t QVsoaSocketAddress::addrSize() const

Get the size of the sockAddr object.

  • Returns Sockaddr Specifies the size of the object.

QString QVsoaSocketAddress::ip() const

Obtaining an IP Address.

  • Returns IP.

uint16_t QVsoaSocketAddress::port() const

Obtaining the Port Number.

  • Returns Port.

bool QVsoaSocketAddress::security() const

Get security options.

  • Returns Security options.

bool QVsoaSocketAddress::isInvalid()

Check the validity of the address.

  • Returns Whether the address is invalid.


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // protocol: IPV4
    // ip      :
    // port    : 8080
    QVsoaSocketAddress addr(AF_INET, "", 8080)
    qDebug() << "ip:" << addr.ip();
    qDebug() << "port:" << addr.port();
    return a.exec();

QVsoaServer Class

Vsoa server, It can be used to publish data, accept RPC requests, and other operations.


Method nameDescribesignal
isInvalidGet the state of the object
nativeGets the native vsoa_server_t object
closeShut down the server
setPasswordSet the password for connecting to the server
setSendTimeoutSet the global clients sending timeout of this server
bindIfSet server binding network interface
startStart the server at the specified address
countGets the number of clients connected to this server
clientsGets all client connections to the server
clientGet client connections to the server
publishPublish a message to the specified URL
isSubscribedWhether any client has subscribed to the message at this URL
addMiddlewareAdd Middleware to the server
addMiddlewareListenerAdd Middleware listener to the server
clientConnectChangedClient connection status changed
newClientNew client is connected
clientDisconnectClient is disconnected
datagramReceive a datagram

QVsoaServer::QVsoaServer(const QString &info, QObject *parent = nullptr)


  • info Description of the server. This information can be obtained by the client.

bool QVsoaServer::isInvalid()

Get the state of the object.

  • Returns Return false if the object is available, true otherwise.

vsoa_server_t *QVsoaServer::native()

Gets the native vsoa_server_t object.

  • Returns Native vsoa_server_t object.

void QVsoaServer::close()

Shut down the server.

bool QVsoaServer::setPassword(const QString &passwd)

Set the password for connecting to the server. This password is required when the client connects to the server.

  • passwd Password.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaServer::setSendTimeout(bool curClis, int timeoutMs = -1)

Set the global clients sending timeout of this server, which defaults to 100 ms.

  • curClis Whether to set the currently connected client at the same time.
  • timeout The global timeout period.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaServer::bindIf(const QString &ifname)

Set server binding network interface. Bind the server to the specified network interface, which can be called before start or after start.

  • ifname Network interface.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaServer::start(const QVsoaSocketAddress &addr)

Start the server at the specified address.

  • addr The server will start at this address.
  • Returns Success or failed.

int QVsoaServer::count()

Gets the number of clients connected to this server.

  • Returns Number of Clients.

QList<QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle>> clients()

Gets all client connections to the server.

  • Returns All client connection handles.

QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> QVsoaServer::client(vsoa_cli_id_t id)

Get client connections to the server.

  • id: Client ID
  • Returns: Client connection.

bool QVsoaServer::publish(const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload, bool quick = false)

Publish a message to the specified URL, and all clients subscribed to the URL will receive the message.

  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.
  • quick Whether to use the fast publication channel. By default, it is not used.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaServer::isSubscribed(const QString &url)

Whether any client has subscribed to the message at this URL. In general, if no client has subscribed to the URL, we do not need to publish the message.

  • url The URL information.
  • Returns Return True if any client subscribed to the URL, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaServer::addMiddleware(const QString &url, const QVsoaMiddleware* mware)

Add middleware for handling RPC.

  • url The URL information.
  • mware Middleware to be added.
  • Returns Success or failed.

QVsoaMiddleware *QVsoaServer::addMiddlewareListener(const QString &url, const QList<IQVsoaMiddlewareListener *> &listeners)

Add Middleware listener to handle RPC requests at the specified URL.

  • url The URL information.
  • listeners All listeners to be added.
  • Returns Success or failed.

signal void QVsoaServer::clientConnectChanged(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client, bool ok)

This signal is emitted when the connection status of the client is changed.

  • client A client that connects to this server.
  • ok True if the connection is established, False if the connection is disconnected.

signal void QVsoaServer::newClient(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client)

This signal is emitted when a new client establishes a connection.

  • client A client that connects to this server.

signal void QVsoaServer::clientDisconnect(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client)

This signal is emitted when the client is disconnected.

  • client Disconnected clients.

signal void QVsoaServer::datagram(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client, QString url, QVsoaPayload payload, bool quick)

This signal is emitted when a Datagram from the client is received.

  • client The client that emits the Datagram.
  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.
  • quick Whether the fast send channel is used.


Start a simple VSOA server

// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();
    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";
    return a.exec();

Send datagram

// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();

    // Publish datagrams to each client that connects to this server
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, [](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
        QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=] {
            if (cli) {
                if (!cli->sendDatagram("/test", QVsoaPayload("Test param", {}))) {
                    qDebug() << "Send datagram failed";
            } else {

    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";
    return a.exec();

Publish message

// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();

    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";
        return 1;

    // publish message
    QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
    QVsoaPayload payload("test param", {});
    QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&] {
        // If no client subscribes to this message, it does not need to be sent
        if (!server.isSubscribed("/test")) {
            qDebug() << "No client has subscribed to this message.";
        if (!server.publish("/test", payload)) {
            qDebug() << "Publish failed!";
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Publish successed!";

    return a.exec();

QVsoaRPCServerListener Class

RPC listener for the VSOA Server.


Method nameDescribesignal
listenStarts listening on the specified server
rmListenRemove the listener on the specified server
setRPCHandlerSet up the RPC request handler function
RPCCallAn RPC request from a client


Type nameDescribe
RPCHandlerThe type of function used to handle RPC requests

QVsoaRPCServerListener::QVsoaRPCServerListener(const QString &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)

QVsoaRPCServerListener::QVsoaRPCServerListener(const QString &url, const RPCHandler &rpcHandler, QObject *parent)


  • url The URL information to listen on.
  • rpcHandler RPC request handler function.

bool QVsoaRPCServerListener::listen(QVsoaServer *server)

Starts listening on the specified server.

  • server Initiate a listener on this server.
  • Returns Success or failed.

void QVsoaRPCServerListener::rmListen(QVsoaServer *server)

Remove the listener on the specified server.

  • server Server on which you want to remove listener.

void QVsoaRPCServerListener::setRPCHandler(const RPCHandler &onRPC)

Set up the RPC request handler function.

  • onRPC RPC handler functions.

signal void QVsoaRPCServerListener::RPCCall(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client, QVsoaHeader header, QString url, QVsoaPayload payload)

This signal is emitted when a client initiates an RPC request.

  • client The client object that initiates the request.
  • header The data header of the VSOA.
  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.

using RPCHandler = std::function<void(QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client, const QVsoaHeader &header, const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload)>

The function type of the RPC handler function.

  • client The client object that initiates the request.
  • header The data header of the VSOA.
  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();
    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";

    // Listen for rpc requests at url "/test".
    QVsoaRPCServerListener testListen("/test");
                     [](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli, QVsoaHeader header, QString url, QVsoaPayload payload) {
                         if (!cli) {
                         qDebug() << "RPC The URL information:" << url;
                         qDebug() << "Param:" << payload.param();
                         // Respond to the rpc request.
                         // For details about QVsoaCliHandle, see the section "QVsoaCliHandle Class"
                         cli->reply(StatusCode::SUCCESS, header.seqno(), payload);

    return a.exec();

QVsoaCliHandle Class

The client that connects to the server. This object should not be created by the user; it should be created by the server at the appropriate time.


Method nameDescribe
idGet client ID
setAutoDeleteEnable or disable automatic deletion
autoDeleteWhether to delete automatically or not
sendDatagramSend a Datagram
replyReply the client's RPC request
setKeepAliveSet the keepalive option
setPriorityThe setting has a priority
setTimeoutSet the client packet sending timeout
setLingerTimeSet client socket linger time
isSubscribedGet whether the client is subscribed to the specified topic
closeClose the connection to the client
setAuthedSet client authorization status
authedGet client authorization status.
serverGets the server object
addressGet the address of the client

vsoa_cli_id_t QVsoaCliHandle::id()

Get client ID.

  • Returns Client ID.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::sendDatagram(const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload, bool quick = false)

Send a Datagram.

  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.
  • quick Whether to use the fast send channel. By default, the fast send channel is not used.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::reply(int status, int seqno, const QVsoaPayload &payload, int tunid = 0)

Reply the client's RPC request.

  • status Processing status of the server.
  • seqno Data header from the RPC request.
  • payload Payload.
  • tunid Tunnel stream id, If the server has a tunnel stream enabled, you need to use this parameter to tell the client ID.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::setKeepAlive(int keepAlive)

Set the keepalive option.

  • keepAlive Keepalive options.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::setPriority(int prio)

The setting has a priority.

  • prio New priorities.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::setTimeout(int timeoutMs = -1)

Set the client packet sending timeout.

  • timeoutMs Set network send timeout(ms). If the value is less than 0, use server global send timeout setting.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::setLingerTime(int timeSec)

Set client socket linger time.

  • timeoutSec Unit is seconds, when the time is 0 , it means that the close call will be closed immediately.
  • Returns true if success, false if the client not exist.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::isSubscribed(const QString &url)

Get whether the client is subscribed to the specified topic.

  • url Specified topic URL.
  • Returns true for subscribed, false for unsubscribed.

void QVsoaCliHandle::close()

Close the connection to the client.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::setAuthed(bool authed)

VSOA server set client authorization status. Unauthorized clients cannot receive publish messages.

  • authed Authorization status.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaCliHandle::authed()

VSOA server get client authorization status. Defaults to true for new clients authenticated by server password.

  • Returns Authorization status.

QVsoaServer *QVsoaCliHandle::server()

Gets the server object.

  • Returns Server object.

QVsoaSocketAddress QVsoaCliHandle::address()

Get the address of the client.

  • Returns Address.

QVsoaMiddleware Class

Middleware used on the server.


Method nameDescribe
nativeGet the vsoa_mware_t object
isInvalidGet the state of the object
addListenerAdd a new listener
removeListenerRemove listener

vsoa_mware_t *QVsoaMiddleware::native()

Get the vsoa_mware_t object.

  • Returns The native vsoa_mware_t object held in QVsoaMiddleware.

bool QVsoaMiddleware::isInvalid()

Get the state of the object.

  • Returns Returning true if this object can be used, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaMiddleware::addListener(const IQVsoaMiddlewareListener *listener)

Add a listener. When the RPC request arrives, the listener's hook function is called once until one of the hook functions returns false.

  • listener Listeners to add.
  • Returns Success or failed.

void QVsoaMiddleware::removeListener(const IQVsoaMiddlewareListener *listener)

Remove listener.

  • listener A listener to be removed.


// server mian.cpp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();

    // Add middleware to the server
    QVsoaMiddleware mware;
    server.addMiddleware("/test", &mware);

    // Add listener (For details about how to create a listener, see IQVsoaMiddlewareListener)
    auto listener = new MyListener;
    auto listener2 = new MyListener2;

    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";

    return a.exec();

IQVsoaMiddlewareListener Interface

Middleware uses a listener base class.


Method nameDescribe
hookThis method is called when the RPC request arrives

virtual bool IQVsoaMiddlewareListener::hook(const QVsoaServer *server, QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client, const QVsoaHeader &header, const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload, QVsoaMiddlewareResolve &resolve)

This method is implemented by the user. If true is returned, the hook continues, otherwise the chain ends.

  • server Server object.
  • client Remote client connection.
  • header RPC request header.
  • url The URL of the RPC request.
  • payload The payload of RPC.
  • resolve Middleware Resolve Data.
  • Returns Returning true will call the next hook method, and returning false will end the call chain.


// server main.cpp
class MyListener : public IQVsoaMiddlewareListener
    bool hook(const QVsoaServer *server,
              QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> client,
              const QVsoaHeader &header,
              const QString &url,
              const QVsoaPayload &payload,
              QVsoaMiddlewareResolve &resolve) override
        if (...) { /* when data not need passt to next hook */
            /* do something */
            client.reply(...); /* must reply to client */
            return false;
        } else {
            /* do other thing */
            return true; /* pass to next hook */

QVsoaMiddlewareResolve Class

The Middleware resolve data.


Method nameDescribe
nativeGet the vsoa_mware_resolve_t object
addDataAdd a new piece of data to Middleware resolve data.
getDataGet a data.
replyResponding to rpc requests
getMiddlewareGet Middleware object.


Type nameDescribe
freeDataFunA method used to release user data
freeDataFunExA method used to release user data

vsoa_mware_resolve_t *QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::native()

Get the native vsoa_mware_resolve_t object.

  • Returns The native vsoa_mware_resolve_t object held in QVsoaMiddlewareResolve.

bool QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::addData(const QString &key, void *data, freeDataFun free = {})

bool QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::addData(const QString &key, void *data, freeDataFunEx freeFun = {})

bool QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::addData(const QString &key, void *data, ssize_t dataLen, freeDataFunEx freeFun = {})

Add a new piece of data to Middleware resolve data.

  • key The Key used to index this data.
  • data Data to be added.
  • dataLen The resolve data buffer size. 0 means unknown.
  • free Use this method to release resources when this data is no longer needed. The method takes two parameters, the first being the data and the second being the key used to index the data.
  • Returns Return true on success, false otherwise.

void *QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::getData(const QString &key)

Get a data.

  • key Index of data.
  • Returns Data.

bool QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::reply(uint8_t status, uint16_t tunid, const QVsoaPayload &payload)

Responding to rpc requests.

  • status Response status.
  • tunid Used for stream transfer.
  • payload Payload to client.
  • Returns True if success, false if any errors.

QVsoaMiddleware *QVsoaMiddlewareResolve::getMiddleware()

Get Middleware object.

  • Returns Middleware object.

using freeDataFun = std::function<void(void *data, const QString &Key)>

using freeDataFunEx = std::function<void(void *data, const QString &key, ssize_t value_len)>;

A method used to release user data.

  • data Data to be released.
  • key Data index.
  • valueLen The length of data, 0 means unknown.

QVsoaClient Class

Vsoa client. You can subscribe to a message from the VSOA server or make an RPC request.


Method nameDescribesignal
isInvalidGet the state of the object
nativeGet the vsoa_client_t object
connect2serverConnect to the specified server
reconnectReconnect to the server
autoConnectEnable automatic connection
stopAutoConnectStop automatic connection
isAutoConnectWhether the client has auto-connect enabled
setKeepaliveSet the client Keepalive parameter
keepaliveGet the keepalive parameter of the client
disconnectServerDisconnect from server
closeClose this client
isConnectedWhether the client is already connected to the server
setSendTimeoutSetting send timeout
setLingerTimeSet client socket linger time
pingPing the server to check whether the server connection is normal
stopPingStop ping
pingTurboVSOA client ping turbo
stopPingTurboUnset the ping turbo parameter
subscribeSubscribe to the specified event (URL)
unsubscribeUnsubscribe the specified event (URL)
unsubscribeAllUnsubscribe from all events(URLS)
autoConsistentVSOA client auto data consistent
addAutoConsistentURLsAdd urls of interest to the collection
removeAutoConsistentURLsRemove urls of interest from the collection
setAutoConsistentRPCTimeoutSets the RPC timeout for data consistency operations
setAutoConsistentURLsSet the URL of interest
sendDatagramSend datagram to server
connectedClient connect to the server
disconnectedConnection to the server is down
messageMessage was received from the server
datagramDatagram was received from the server
pingResponsePing operation gets a response
subscribeResultSubscription request gets a response
unsubscribeResultUnsubscription request gets a response

bool QVsoaClient::isInvalid()

Get the state of the object.

  • Returns Return false if the object is available, true otherwise.

vsoa_client_t *QVsoaClient::native()

Get the vsoa_client_t object.

  • Returns The native vsoa_client_t object held in QVsoaClient.

void QVsoaClient::connect2server(const QVsoaSocketAddress &addr, const QString &passwd, int timeoutMs = -1)

void QVsoaClient::connect2server(const QString &server, const QString &passwd, int timeoutMs = -1)

Connect to the specified server.

  • addr Server socket address.
  • server VSOA server, for example "vsoa://test_server".
  • passwd Server Connection Password.
  • timeoutMs Server connection timeout, unit of milliseconds. Less than 0 never times out.

void QVsoaClient::reconnect()

Reconnect to the server.

bool QVsoaClient::autoConnect(unsigned int reconnDelayMs = 0);

bool QVsoaClient::autoConnect(unsigned int connTimeoutMs, unsigned int reconnDelayMs);

The function of automatically connecting to the server is enabled. When a client cannot connect to the server or is disconnected from the server, it automatically attempts to reconnect to the server.

  • connTimeoutMs Timeout in milliseconds for automatic connections.
  • reconnDelayMs Reconnection interval in milliseconds.
  • Returns Success or failed.

void QVsoaClient::stopAutoConnect();

The automatic connection function is disabled.

bool QVsoaClient::isAutoConnect() const

Whether the client has auto-connect enabled.

  • Returns Returns true if auto-connect is enabled, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::setKeepalive(unsigned int keepaliveMs)

Set the client Keepalive parameter. The client will continuously ping the server at keepaliveMs intervals.

  • keepaliveMs Elapsed time between pings, in milliseconds.
  • Returns It returns true if the setting was successful and false otherwise.

unsigned int QVsoaClient::keepalive() const

Get the keepalive parameter of the client.

  • Returns Elapsed time between pings, in milliseconds.

bool QVsoaClient::disconnectServer()

Disconnect from server After disconnect, the connect2server function can be called again.

  • Returns Success or failed.

void QVsoaClient::close()

Close this client.

bool QVsoaClient::isConnected()

Whether the client is already connected to the server.

  • Returns Returns True if already connected, False otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::setSendTimeout(int timeoutMs = -1)

Setting Send Timeout.

  • timeoutMs Timeout, in milliseconds. If the value is less than 0, VSOA_CLIENT_DEF_SEND_TIMEOUT is used.
  • Returns Success or failed.

bool QVsoaClient::setLingerTime(int timeSec)

Set client socket linger time.

  • timeSec Linger time in seconds.
  • Returns true if success, false if any errors.

void QVsoaClient::ping(int pingIntervalMs, int pingTimeoutMs = -1, int pingCount = -1)

Ping the server to check whether the server connection is normal.

  • pingIntervalMs Ping interval time.
  • pingTimeoutMs Ping timeout period.
  • pingCount The number of pings, if it's less than 0, it keeps pinging.

void QVsoaClient::stopPing()

Stop ping.

bool QVsoaClient::pingTurbo(unsigned int turboMs, unsigned int maxCnt)

VSOA client ping turbo. When there is an RPC call pending, and if there is data packet loss,and the client and server need to do their best to perform TCP fast retransmission at this time, you can set this turboMs parameter, the minimum value is 25ms. 0 means disable turbo ping. When turbo ping is enabled, the turboMs value must be less than or equal to keepalive in setKeepalive()

  • turboMs ping interval time.
  • maxCnt Maximum number of consecutive pings.
  • Returns It returns true if the setting was successful and false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::stopPingTurbo()

Unset the ping turbo parameter.

  • Returns Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::subscribe(const QString &url, int timeoutMs)

bool QVsoaClient::subscribe(const QStringList &urls, int timeoutMs)

Subscribe to the specified event (URL), When the server sends the corresponding event, the Client can receive the event. When the client reconnects with the server, it will automatically subscribe to all urls it has subscribed to so far.

  • url Event that need to be subscribed.
  • urls Events that need to be subscribed.
  • timeoutMs Timeout, in milliseconds. Less than 0 never times out.
  • Returns Success or failed.

Note: The client will try to re-subscribe to the url when it reconnects, whether this method is called successfully or not.

bool QVsoaClient::unsubscribe(const QString &url, int timeoutMs = -1)

bool QVsoaClient::unsubscribe(const QStringList &urls, int timeoutMs = -1)

Unsubscribe the specified event. Unsubscribed urls will no longer be subscribed automatically when reconnecting.

  • url Event that need to be unsubscribed.
  • urls Events that need to be unsubscribed.
  • timeoutMs Timeout, in milliseconds. Less than 0 never times out.
  • Returns If true on success, return False on any error.

Note: The client will no longer try to subscribe to the URLS when it reconnects, whether this method is called successfully or not.

bool QVsoaClient::unsubscribeAll(int timeoutMs)

Unsubscribe from all subscribed urls. When reconnecting, no urls will be automatically subscribed anymore.

  • timeoutMs Timeout, in milliseconds. Less than 0 never times out.
  • Returns If true on success, return False on any error.

Note: The client will no longer try to subscribe to the URLS when it reconnects, whether this method is called successfully or not.

bool QVsoaClient::autoConsistent(const QStringList &urls, unsigned int rpcTimeoutMs)

VSOA client auto data consistent. When VSOA disconnected and reconnected, the server data changes, which we cannot detect, so this function can set the urls collection of interest. When the client connection is successful, the data is automatically fetched using the RPC method with the GET parameter and a message signal is issued. The timeout for each RPC request will be set to rpcTimeoutMs.

  • urls urls of interest.
  • rpcTimeoutMs The timeout for rpc requests.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::addAutoConsistentURLs(const QStringList &urls)

Add urls to the collection to maintain data consistency.

  • urls urls of interest.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::removeAutoConsistentURLs(const QStringList &urls)

Remove the urls of interest from the collection.

  • urls Not interested urls
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::setAutoConsistentRPCTimeout(unsigned int rpcTimeoutMs)

Set Auto consistent RPC request timeout to rpcTimeoutMs.

  • rpcTimeoutMs The timeout for rpc requests.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::setAutoConsistentURLs(const QStringList &urls)

Sets the set of urls that are of interest when dealing with data consistency.

  • urls urls of interest.
    • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaClient::sendDatagram(const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload, bool quick = false)

Send datagram to server

  • url URL.
  • payload The payload to be sent.
  • quick True if a quick publish channel is used, false otherwise.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

signal void QVsoaClient::connected(bool ok, QString info)

This signal is emitted when a successful connection to the server or a timeout occurs.

  • ok True if the connection to the server was successful, False otherwise.
  • info This parameter is the information returned by the server when the connection to the server is successful.

signal void QVsoaClient::disconnected()

This signal is emitted when the server is disconnected.

signal void QVsoaClient::message(QString url, QVsoaPayload payload, bool quick)

This signal is emitted when the server sends a message.

  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.
  • quick True if a quick publish channel is used, false otherwise.

signal void QVsoaClient::datagram(QString url, QVsoaPayload payload, bool quick)

This signal is emitted when the server sends a Datagram.

  • url The URL information.
  • payload Payload.
  • quick True if a quick channel is used, false otherwise.

signal void QVsoaClient::pingResponse(bool ok)

This signal is emitted when the ping is responded to.

  • ok The value is true if the ping succeeds, false otherwise.

signal void QVsoaClient::subscribeResult(QStringList urls, bool ok)

This signal is emitted when a subscription request is processed.

  • urls The URL information list.
  • ok Success or failed.

signal void QVsoaClient::unsubscribeResult(QStringList urls, bool ok)

This signal is emitted when an unsubscribe request is responded to.

  • urls The URL information list.
  • ok Success or failed.



// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaClient client;

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, &client, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;
        // Ping the server 10 times every 2 seconds. The timeout period is 1 second.
        client.ping(2000, 1000, 10);
    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::pingResponse, [&](bool success) {
        qDebug() << "Ping" << (success ? "successed" : "failed");
    // Connect to the specified server.
    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");

    return a.exec();


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaClient client;
    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;
        // Subscribe to messages at url"/test".
        if (!client.subscribe("/test", 0)) {
            qDebug() << "Subscribe failed.";

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::subscribeResult, [&](QStringList urls, bool success) {
        if (success) {
            qDebug() << "Subscribe successed.";
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Subscribe failed.";
        qDebug() << "The URL information:" << urls;
    // Process the message from the server.
    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::message, [](QString url, QVsoaPayload payload, bool quick) {
        qDebug() << "The URL information:" << url;
        qDebug() << "Param:" << payload.param();
        qDebug() << "Quick:" << quick;

    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");
    return a.exec();


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    QVsoaClient client;

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, &client, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;
    // Process datagrams from the server.
    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::datagram, &client, [&](QString url, QVsoaPayload payload, bool quick) {
        qDebug() << "The URL information:" << url;
        qDebug() << "Param:" << payload.param();
        qDebug() << "Quick:" << quick;

    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");

    return a.exec();

QVsoaClientRPCInvoker Class

The client RPC invoker.


Method nameDescribesignal
callInitiate a remote procedure call
clientGet the client object
urlGet the url
methodGet the RPC method
serverReplyServer responded to the RPC request

QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::QVsoaClientRPCInvoker(QVsoaClient *client, const QString &url, int method)


  • client The client object that initiates the RPC.
  • url The URL information.
  • method RPC Call method, The options are RPCMethod::GET or RPCMethod::SET

bool QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::call(const QVsoaPayload &payload, int timeoutMs = -1)

bool QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::call(const QVsoaPayload &payload, const QVariant &arg, int timeoutMs = -1)

Initiate a remote procedure call.

  • payload Payload.
  • arg This parameter is sent with the serverReply signal when the rpc request is answered.
  • timeoutMs RPC timeout, if less than 0, never times out.
  • Returns Success or failed.

QVsoaClient *QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::client()

Get the client object.

  • Returns Client object.

QString QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::url()

Get the url.

  • Returns The URL information.

int QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::method()

Get the RPC method.

  • Returns Method.

signal void QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::serverReply(const QVsoaHeader header, const QVsoaPayload payload)

This signal is emitted when the RPC gets a response from the server.

  • header VSOA data header. When this object is invalid, the RPC request times out or fails.
  • payload Payload.


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaClient client;

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, &client, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;
        QTimer *timer                  = new QTimer;
        // Construct an invoker.
        QVsoaClientRPCInvoker *invoker = new QVsoaClientRPCInvoker(&client, "/test", RPCMethod::GET);
                         [](QVsoaHeader header, QVsoaPayload payload) {
                             if (header.isInvalid()) {
                                 qDebug() << "Call failed.";
                             qDebug() << "Param:" << payload.param();
        // An RPC is initiated at an interval of 1 second.
        QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=] {
            invoker->call(QVsoaPayload("test param", {}));

    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");
    return a.exec();

QVsoaClientSynchronizer Class

The client's RPC synchronizer, which can be used to make synchronous RPC calls.


Method nameDescribe
callInitiate a remote procedure call
closeClose the synchronizer

QVsoaClientSynchronizer::QVsoaClientSynchronizer(QVsoaClient *parent, bool dynamic = false)


  • parent The Client object on which we will initiate the synchronous RPC.
  • dynamic If dynamic is true, it means that the package memory is dynamically applied for each time the call receives a reply from the server. When it is false, it means that it is only applied statically once.

QPair<bool, QVsoaHeader> QVsoaClientSynchronizer::call(const QString &url, int method, const QVsoaPayload &payload, int timeoutMs)

This method is a blocking method, but internally maintains a Qt event loop to ensure that Qt events are not blocked, and returns when the call is complete.

  • url The URL information.
  • method The value is the enumeration value of RPCMethod.
  • payload Payload.
  • timeoutMs Timeout, in milliseconds. If it is less than 0, it never times out.
  • Returns The first value indicates whether the call was successful, and the second value is the data header returned by RPC.

bool QVsoaClientSynchronizer::close()

Close the synchronizer.

  • Returns Success or failed.


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    QVsoaClient client;

    QTimer *timer = new QTimer;

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, &client, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;
        // Construct a synchronous caller.
        QVsoaClientSynchronizer *sync = new QVsoaClientSynchronizer(&client);
        // Synchronize RPC at an interval of 1 second.
        // Note: Normal logic code should not do this.
        // You need to avoid calling a synchronization request when a synchronization request is not completed.
        QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=] {
            QPair<bool, QVsoaHeader> ret = sync->call("/test", RPCMethod::GET, QVsoaPayload("test param", {}));
            if (ret.first) {
                qDebug() << "Param:" << ret.second.payload().param();
    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");
    return a.exec();

QVsoaPayload Class

The payload in the VSOA. There is no extra cost for copying this class, and the user does not need to care about the copy cost.


Method nameDescribe
hasParamPayload Whether payload has param
hasDataPayload Whether payload has data
setParamSet the param
paramGet the param
setDataSet the data
dataGet the data

QVsoaPayload::QVsoaPayload(const QString &param, const QByteArray &data, QObject *parent = nullptr)


  • param Param.
  • data Data.

bool QVsoaPayload::hasParam() const

Payload Whether payload has param.

  • Returns Returns True if param is present, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaPayload::hasData() const

Payload Whether payload has data.

  • Returns Returns True if data is present, false otherwise.

void QVsoaPayload::setParam(const QString &param)

Set the param.

  • param Param.

QString QVsoaPayload::param() const

Get the param.

  • Returns Param.

void QVsoaPayload::setData(const QByteArray &data)

Set the data.

  • data Data.

QByteArray QVsoaPayload::data() const

Get the data.

  • Returns Data.


// main.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // Construct a payload
    QVsoaPayload payload("Test param", {});
    if (payload.hasParam()) {
        qDebug() << payload.param();
    // We don't have data, so we're not going to print anything.
    if (payload.hasData()) {
        qDebug() << payload.data();
    return a.exec();

QVsoaHeader Class

The data header of the VSOA. This object cannot be created by the user, the user can only use it. There is no extra cost for copying this class, and the user does not need to care about the copy cost.


Method nameDescribe
urlGet the URL
seqnoGet the seqno
flagsGet the flags
statusGet the status
tunidGet the tunid
isInvalidWhether the current object is valid

QString QVsoaHeader::url() const

Get the URL.

  • Returns The URL information.

uint32_t QVsoaHeader::seqno() const

Get the seqno.

  • Returns Sequence number.

uint8_t QVsoaHeader::flags() const

Get the flags.

  • Returns Flags.

uint8_t QVsoaHeader::status() const

Get the status.

  • Returns Status.

uint16_t QVsoaHeader::tunid() const

Get the tunid.

  • Returns Tunnel ID.

bool QVsoaHeader::isInvalid() const

Whether the current object is valid.

  • Returns Returning true if invalid, false otherwise.

QVsoaStream Class

Vsoa Stream. Can be used for large file transfer.


Method nameDescribesignal
readRead data from the stream
readAllRead all data from the stream
writeWrites data to a stream
closeClosing the current Stream
tunidGet the stream tunnel ID
isInvalidWhether the current stream is invalid
readyReadStream can be read
connectionStatusChangeStream connection status changed
connectTimeoutConnection timeout

Global method

Method nameDescribe
createStreamCreate a stream

ssize_t QVsoaStream::read(void *buf, size_t bufSize)

Read data from the stream.

  • buf Data buffer zone.
  • bufSize Buffer size.
  • Returns The number of bytes read successfully.

QByteArray QVsoaStream::read(ssize_t maxSize)

Read data from the stream.

  • maxSize The amount of data you want to read.
  • Returns The data that was read.

QByteArray QVsoaStream::readAll()

Read all data from the stream.

  • Returns The data that was read.

ssize_t QVsoaStream::write(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)

Writes data to a stream.

  • buf Data buffer zone.
  • bufSize Buffer size.
  • Returns The number of bytes written successfully.

ssize_t QVsoaStream::write(const QByteArray &data)

Writes data to a stream.

  • data Data to be written.
  • Returns The number of bytes written successfully.

void QVsoaStream::close()

Closing the current Stream.

int QVsoaStream::tunid()

Get the stream tunnel ID.

  • Returns Tunnel ID.

bool QVsoaStream::isInvalid()

Whether the current stream is invalid.

  • Returns Returning true if invalid, false otherwise.

signal void QVsoaStream::readyRead()

This signal is emitted when data is available to read.

signal void QVsoaStream::connectionStatusChange(bool ok)

This signal is emitted when the connection status changes.

  • ok If true, the connection is successfully established; otherwise, the connection is disconnected.

signal void QVsoaStream::connectTimeout()

This signal is emitted when the connection times out.

QVsoaStream *createStream(QVsoaServer *server, int keepalive, int timeoutMs = -1)

QVsoaStream *createStream(QVsoaClient *client, int tunid, int keepalive, int timeoutMs = -1)

Creating a stream.

  • server VSOA server object.
  • client VSOA client object.
  • tunid Stream tunnel ID.
  • keepalive Keepalive.
  • timeoutMs Timeout, if less than 0, then never timeout.
  • Returns Stream object.


// server.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaServer server("Test server");
    QObject::connect(&server, &QVsoaServer::newClient, &server, [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli) {
        qDebug() << "New client connected, IP:" << cli->address().ip();
    if (!server.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080))) {
        qDebug() << "Start failed!";
    // Upon receiving this rpc request,
    // We create a stream and notify the client to connect to this stream.
    QVsoaRPCServerListener createStreamListeen("/stream");
                     [&](QPointer<QVsoaCliHandle> cli, QVsoaHeader header, QString, QVsoaPayload) {
                         qDebug() << "Create stream";
                         auto stream = createStream(&server, header.tunid(), 5000);
                         QObject::connect(stream, &QVsoaStream::connectionStatusChange, [=](bool link) {
                             if (link) {
                                 qDebug() << "Stream connected.";
                             } else {
                                 qDebug() << "Stream disconnected.";
                         // Tells the client stream's tunid
                         // that the client will use this ID to connect to the stream.
                         cli->reply(StatusCode::SUCCESS, header.seqno(), QVsoaPayload(), stream->tunid());
                         // Read data from stream.
                         QObject::connect(stream, &QVsoaStream::readyRead, [=] {
                             qDebug() << stream->readAll();
                         // Writes data to stream periodically.
                         QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
                         QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, stream, [=] {
                             stream->write("Hello, this is  test server.");
    return a.exec();
// client.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QVsoaClient client;

    QObject::connect(&client, &QVsoaClient::connected, [&](bool success, QString info) {
        if (!success) {
            qDebug() << "Connecting to the server failed!";
        qDebug() << "Connecting to the server succeeded! Server info:" << info;

        QVsoaClientRPCInvoker *invoker = new QVsoaClientRPCInvoker(&client, "/stream", RPCMethod::GET);
        // Request the server to start stream.
        QObject::connect(invoker, &QVsoaClientRPCInvoker::serverReply, [&](QVsoaHeader header, QVsoaPayload payload) {
            // Create a stream
            auto stream = createStream(&client, header.tunid(), 5);
            // Wait for the stream connection to succeed
            QObject::connect(stream, &QVsoaStream::connectionStatusChange, [stream, &client](bool link) {
                if (link) {
                    // Periodically writes data to stream
                    QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
                    qDebug() << "Stream connected.";
                    QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, stream, [stream] {
                        stream->write(QByteArray("stream test data"));
                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Stream disconnected.";
            // Process the data received from the stream
            QObject::connect(stream, &QVsoaStream::readyRead, [stream] {
                qDebug() << stream->readAll();

        if (!invoker->call(QVsoaPayload())) {
            qDebug() << "create stream failed.";
    client.connect2server(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), "123456");
    return a.exec();

QVsoaPosition Class

Vsoa position. You can query the address of the server.


Method nameDescribe
startStarting the position service
closeClosing the position service
replayAddress to respond to the request
isInvalidWhether the current object is valid
queryAddress query method
setPositionLookupVSOA set position lookup
lookupUsed to find the specified server address in the Position service

QVsoaPosition::QVsoaPosition(const QMultiMap<QString, QVsoaSocketAddress> &map, QObject *parent = nullptr)


  • map Server address mapping table.

bool QVsoaPosition::start(const QVsoaSocketAddress &addr)

Starting the position service.

  • addr Launch position at this address.
  • Returns Success or failed.

void QVsoaPosition::close()

Closing the position service.

void QVsoaPosition::replay(vsoa_position_response_t *response, const QVsoaSocketAddress &addr)

Address to respond to the request.

  • response Request object.
  • addr Address.

bool QVsoaPosition::isInvalid()

Whether the current object is valid.

  • Returns Return true if invalid, false otherwise.

virtual QVsoaSocketAddress QVsoaPosition::query(int domain, const QString &query_name)

Address query method, which the user can override.

  • domain Socket domain.
  • query_name Name of the server to be queried.
  • Returns Address.

static bool QVsoaPosition::setPositionLookup(const QVsoaSocketAddress &pos)

VSOA set position lookup.

  • pos The specified position address.
  • Returns Success or failed.

static QVsoaSocketAddress QVsoaPosition::lookup(int domain, const QString &name, int timeoutMs = -1)

static QVsoaSocketAddress QVsoaPosition::lookup(const QVsoaSocketAddress &pos, int domain, const QString &name, int timeoutMs = -1)

Used to find the specified server address in the Position service. VSOA position lookup (Synchronous) domain == -1 means any socket family If position server is specified, only the specified server will be queried, If the position server address has not been specified, this function will first use the environment variable VSOA_POS_SERVER to query, if not found, it will use the server query configured in /etc/vsoa.pos.

  • domain Domain where the server address resides.
  • name Name of the server.
  • timeoutMs Timeout. The timeout period, if less than 0, will never timeout.
  • Returns Address.


// stream.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // Record two IP addresses for the client to query.
    QVsoaPosition position({
        {"local", QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET,  "",       8081, false)},
        {"local", QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET6, "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", 8081, true) }
    // Starting the Position service.
    position.start(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080));
    return a.exec();
// client.cpp
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // Quer server address.
    QVsoaSocketAddress ipv4 = QVsoaPosition::lookup(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), AF_INET, "local");
    QVsoaSocketAddress ipv6 = QVsoaPosition::lookup(QVsoaSocketAddress(AF_INET, "", 8080), AF_INET6, "local");

    qDebug() << "IPV4 IP:" << ipv4.ip() << "Port:" << ipv4.port() << "Security" << ipv4.security();
    qDebug() << "IPV6 IP:" << ipv6.ip() << "Port:" << ipv6.port() << "Security" << ipv6.security();

    return a.exec();

QVsoaRegulator Class

Regulator can be used to regulate the publish frequency and the monitoring frequency.


Method nameDescribe
nativeGets the vsoa_regulator_t object of the Regulator
setRegulatorPeriodSet Regulator Period
addSlotAdd a slot with url as key
removeSlotDelete the slot specified by url
hasSlotWhether it has the slot specified by url
updateSubmit data to the slot specified by url
clearClear buffered data specified by url


Type nameDescribe
regulatorFuncSpeed regulator notify function type

QVsoaRegulator::QVsoaRegulator(int periodMs, QObject *parent)

Regulator constructor to adjust the frequency of publish or message to periodMs.

  • periodMs Regulator interval time.

vsoa_regulator_t *QVsoaRegulator::native()

Gets the vsoa_regulator_t object of the Regulator.

  • Returns vsoa_regulator_t object.

bool QVsoaRegulator::setRegulatorPeriod(int periodMs)

The period time of the Regulator is periodMs.

  • periodMs period to set in milliseconds.
  • Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaRegulator::addSlot(const QString &url, const regulatorFunc &ondelay, size_t bufSize)

Add a slot to the specified url, and when the preset time is reached, the ondelay function is called. The bufSize is the maximum payload length that this slot can saved.

  • url url for the slot to install.
  • ondelay Speed regulator notify function.
  • bufSize The maximum payload length that this slot can saved.
  • Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaRegulator::removeSlot(const QString &url)

Removes a slot from the specified url.

  • url URL.
  • Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaRegulator::hasSlot(const QString &url, size_t *bufSize)

Whether it has the slot specified by url. bufSize is the preset size for the addSlot method.

  • url URL.
  • bufSize The bufSize passed to the addSlot method.
  • Returns true if the slot is installed on the url, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaRegulator::update(const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload)

Submit data to the slot specified by url.

  • url URL.
  • payload payload to be updated.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.

bool QVsoaRegulator::clear(const QString &url)

Clear buffered data specified by url.

  • url URL.
  • Returns true on success, false otherwise.


// Initialize the QVsoa Server
QVsoaRegulator regulator(2000);
auto publishFunc = [&server](const QString &url, const QVsoaPayload &payload) {
    server.publish(url, payload);
regulator.addSlot(url, publishFunc, 4096);
// Other logical processing
// Update the data to the regulator
regulator.update(url, payload);

Multi-threading support for QVSOA

QVSOA also has good support for multi-threaded cases, and we can continue to use the previous Qt multi-threaded development experience to develop multi-threaded applications for QVSOA. A simple example.

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QVsoa>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // Create a thread on which our server will run.
    QThread thread = new QThread;
    // We can start this thread at any time.
    // Create a server and move it to our thread.
    QVsoaServer *server = new QVsoaServer("Test server");
    // Other code.
    return a.exec();